Friday, February 6, 2009

They Just Don't Get It

I have often noticed people, including myself, using the expression, "Ooh, why they just don't get it!!!" It so happens that something is evident and so obvious that conveying that information seems redundant, far leaving the need for convincing it. With this line of thought, if encountered with disagreeing party, it gives rise to conflicts. I recently read a book dealing with the same issue, not surprisingly named 'They Just Don't Get it.' The book puts forward an idea about 'how to change resistance into understanding.'
Some of the ideas presented in this book are similar to the ones presented in '7 Habits of Highly Effective People.' But still I recommend reading this book for simplicity of its presentation. It is a pretty small book, does not include boring lectures on philosophy, human psycology or behavioral patterns. It has constructed a very happy scenario, the conflict that occured because of different lines of thoughts and finally the solution. It gives out five simple tacts called as "Get It Keys" which if applied properly can get you out of the syndrom, "I just don't get it, when they don't get it."
One of my favorite lines from the book is "The older we get, the more fallible we become. We know less compared to how much there is to know but more about what's important and what we need to know."
So folks, if you ever wondered the person sitting next to you is probably from different planet, take couple of hours out and read this book. You would either understand his point of view or change yours :-)


  1. Yup, nice one. Bhavin, Finally you got it :)...

  2. @Tushar
    All thanks to you and Sopan for recommending the book.
